Monday, June 30, 2014

Goodbye, June!

June 2014, the worst month. June made everything rude. June forced me to let you go. And June is over today. I just checked my blog, and realized that I wrote so much post on this month. In my mood or not, I still wrote. I wrote anything. It’s the way I talk to you. It’s the way you know me without any contact. But, I don’t know you, where you are, what you do, how your activities are. You didn’t talk. You only posted about two or three songs, a movie, photos, checked in some meeting points, replaced your avatar, tweeted some, liked and commented photos and no more. I lost you, even I feel you here, even I’m not really sure. Call me crazy or something, but here I am, that’s what I did to know you’re there, you’re living well.

What has June done to me? Destroyed me. Hit me. Almost killed me. June robbed my life. I almost died, did you know that? But, today is the last day on June. I will face new month, July. What I expect from July? Nothing. I expect my own healing. I deserve to be cheerful again. I deserve to be happy. I should be. So please, you there, say something whenever you want. I miss you, but I don’t expect you appear on July. Just do whenever you want. You know, I’m waiting. You gonna appear on August? It’s okay. Or on September? Or about 5 years or more? Okay, I’ll wait.

And dear July, show me a RAINBOW !

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Noah And Allie

The Notebook

Well, I have nothing to do in this first fasting day. So I spent my noon to watch old movie and read a book. Before, at the end I was so sleepy in about 3 pm before Ashar. I watched "The Notebook", geez I know people curse me cause this was my first time to watch it after 10 years released. Where have I been? This movie is so incredible. It's awesome to be told over and over again. And if I watched this before I watched Augustus and Hazel's, I'm pretty sure it will be placed on my heart after Romeo and Juliet.

This story told about Noah and Allie. The young boy and girl who had different background family. Noah, was a country boy, stayed with his daddy. He worked as a carpenter and lived the simple life. Different with Allie. She was the town girl, beautiful, cheerful, had money and notoriety. She was it girl. Allie and her family were about spending their summer holiday in Seabrook. And there was where Allie and Noah met. Bravely, Noah tried to introduce his self to Allie and asked her to dance, and date with him. At first time, she resisted him. Until Noah insisted and never gave up, then Allie said yes. From that first time they (finally) date, they're falling in love. Really fall in love each other.

One day, Allie was too late to back home. And her parents asked the cops to look for her in entire Seabrook. Since that day, Allie was not allowed to meet Noah anymore. Actually, her parents didn't really interest to Noah in one day lunch together. In the next day, her life turned into something different. She and parents were going back to town. All bags were packed when she woke up. She should go. Leave Noah. Without saying goodbye. Noah and Allie were about seventeen at that time. Noah sent Allie a letter everyday, 365 letters totally in a year. But no one replied. Not because Allie didn't want to, but because she didn't know about those letters.

Seven years after Allie left Seabrook, she met a man, named Lond Hammond. They met, fallen in love and going to marry. Till, Allie saw a headline in newspaper, there was Noah with his dreamhouse. Allie decided to go to Seabrook. She figured out about Noah, is he okay or not. Her journey didn't stop in this part. Her old love appeared, actually it wasn't over. And now, she was in complicated situation, she gonna marry a man she loves, but she can't leave her true love who isn't favored by her parents. Story will be a story, fiction will be a fiction, in the end there's always a happy ending. Allie and Noah happily ever after. They're married and had children. But, when Allie and Noah grew old, Allie got alzheimer and could easily forget everything. So, she wrote her love story on a notebook. She asked her husband, Noah, to tell this story over and over again, to remind her about Noah. It worked so well, for only minutes. At least, they could love each other until in the end of their lives.

God, this movie is suck. I mean, it is a good movie, and bring my tears down. It is suck because I just watched after 10 years released. OhmyGod!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Welcome Back, Ramadhan!

      Di tengah hebohnya kepulangan negara-negara yang diunggulkan pada Piala Dunia tahun ini, dan hiruk pikuk berdebatan pemilihan Presiden Indonesia yang baru, tidak terasa bulan Ramadhan datang lagi. Beda tahun, pasti beda cerita. Ramadhan tahun kemaren yang bagiku adalah tahun terbaik setelah di tahun 2012 harus mati-matian berjuang di universitas. Dan sekarang, kembali lagi dipertemukan bulan Ramadhan, bulan suci penuh berkah, dengan kondisi yang menurutku tahun terberat lagi. Mau tidak mau, suka tidak suka memang harus dilewati. Entah hikmah apa yang akan didapat nanti, entah cerita bahagia apa yang akan muncul nanti, namun rasanya berat memang untuk harus melalui ini. Semoga Ramadhan kali ini justru menguatkan kita semua dalam kondisi terberat sekalipun. Aamiin.

* * *

          Bicara masalah Piala Dunia, jujur tahun ini aku bahkan tidak mengikuti sama sekali. Hanya sekedar baca dari headline-headline berita. Dimana yang mengabarkan bahwa negara-negara yang diunggulkan sudah angkut koper duluan sebelum lolos dari grupnya masing-masing. Tentu hal tersebut malah yang membuat cerita Piala Dunia semakin menarik. Karna kebutaanku atas Piala Dunia tahun ini, aku bahkan tidak hafal sama sekali nama-nama pemain dari negara yang aku jagokan, Jerman dan Belanda. Ya setidaknya menang ataupun tidak nantinya, mereka main bagus dari cerita-cerita yang tersebar. Bukan aku tidak ingin menonton atau mengikuti Piala Dunia, tentu saja aku ingin sekali. Namun, faktor siaran TV yang tidak mendukung membuatku malas untuk memaksa menontonnya di layar yang tidak jelas. Itulah kenapa, aku terpaksa hanya membaca dari berita yang tersebar esok harinya. Mungkin nanti sewaktu final, akan aku sempatkan menonton tapi dengan catatan salah satu negara yang aku sebut tadi lolos final. Atau malah keduanya akan bertemu nantinya? Let's see!

* * *

          Masalah politik yang sekarang gencar diperdebatkan, membuat banyak orang terlihat bodoh satu sama lain dengan menjelek-jelekkan. Mungkin ya, para calon presiden ini sama sekali tidak buka mulut untuk saling menjatuhkan. Namun kadang, pendukung dari mereka ini yang membuat aib mereka terbuka. Padahal, para calon ini berusaha membangun citra baik, tapi pendukung-pendukung merekalah yang kadang membuat capres ini ada aja cacatnya. Tidak salah, mereka juga manusia, kalopun ada kekurangan tentu wajar. Tidak bisa kita menuntut mereka menjadi presiden yang sempurna, yang satu punya kelebihan juga pasti kekurangan, begitu juga dengan capres lainnya. Dan pada akhirnya salah satu dari mereka juga nantinya akan menjadi presiden kita, kenapa harus saling menjelek-jelekkan? Yang penting, siapapun nantinya yang terpilih, semoga negara kita semakin baik ke depannya. Jauh dari kemiskinan, terorisme dan doktrin-dotrin negara superpower. Jadi, nanti tanggal 9 Juli 2014, gunakan hak kalian untuk memilih. Pilihan kita tentunya menentukan siapa yang akan menjadi pemimpin Indonesia berikutnya.

* * *

          Karena besok sudah puasa hari pertama, aku ucapkan selamat menjalankan puasa di bulan suci ini bagi semua yang menjalankaaaan. Mudah-mudahan berkah Tuhan selalu menyertai kita semua. Aamiin Yaa Allah Yaa Robb. Maaf jika ada kata dan perbuatanku yang salah dan sempat menyakiti kalian. Selamat Ramadhan!

And, specially for you there, wherever you are.
Happy fasting, you! :D
I miss you.

The Transformers

Transformers : Age of Extinction

So, are you fans of Transformers? To be honest, I was really like Transformers. But, for this season, I didn't really wait for this movie. There's no Shia LaBeouf, instead Mark Wahlberg. But, I repeat, I like watching movies, so yesterday I went to movie. What's my comment for this? The longest Transformers movie!

Too much conversation, too much wishy washy. And, can you imagine? You should sit down, watch the big screen in two and a half hours? It was too long. But at least, I saw The Autobots again, specially The Foolish Bee. It began from the Autobots were hiding wherever they could. And one day, Cade found a trashy truck, which is Optimus Prime. He looks terrible and broken. Cade's trying to fix him, until the government found Optimus from CCTV.

Actually, I'm not in the mood to make any review about it. So people, just watch it by yourself :b

The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars

How if you were sick, and longevity is something impossible? Or you live with knowing that you can die anytime? Augustus and Hazel are cancer patients. Augustus has lost his legs, and Hazel should bring her oxygen tube everywhere. Until, they meet each other in a cancer community. And there’s the love story begins.
I watched this movie first before I read its book. And my sympathy was stolen, there’s a space for Augustus and Hazel’s love story in my world, after Romeo and Juliet’s. They have their infinity. They bring their love to death. I admire them. How they struggle, how they make each other happy, love and be loved. Here, I don’t want to share the story. I just suggest you people, to watch this movie. And while you watch it, I’ll read the book. I curious how details this story is. I guess, that the book will be more interesting than the movie. Well, as usual.

Take your time, people Grab your bucket of popcorn. And enjoy the movie.

Friday, June 27, 2014


I'm too old to choose strawberry or chocolate ice cream. But, I'm not adult enough to get what I want. So, it makes me stuck here. I can live with my most favorite ice cream I choose. But, I can't run into the path I look forward.

I woke up suddenly just now, I got nightmare. It looked real. I was afraid, I'm afraid. I'm losing grip. I'm fragile. I'm broken. I'm sick. Don't you feel the same? Instead you live better, there? Do you still cry often? Or no more tears?

I'm having my ice cream, and I run into the path I never looked forward before. I know, the ice cream will melt, but I know for sure its taste. I don't know where the path will bring me, and I don't know how the story will be told after this. I at least try to through and enjoy both, I try so hard, even I live in the edge of the hopefulness. And I rise up with last passion left. I have to alive like a normal human. I need more time to get up, to be really normal again, to swallow the reality. Actually, I need you.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Memoar yang dimulai tanpa rencana. Dan dipertemukan dengan awal yang sederhana. Kata sapa yang sekedar terdengar, meski di tengah hingar bingar. Canggung melebur dengan canda yang menghibur. Hingga kembali kepada rumah, dengan senyum merekah bahkan rona wajah memerah.

Waktu membawa kepada hitungan yang tak lagi hari ataupun minggu. Namun, minggu ke minggu telah mengantarkan kepada rindu. Senyum mengubah segalanya menjadi candu. Apalagi kalo bukan cinta, yang menitipkan bahagia.

Dari langit yang sama, hingga taburan rasi bintang yang tak ada beda. Mulai mengukir harapan, hingga jutaan impian. Menggantungnya setinggi asa, meyakininya dalam doa, menantinya pada masa.

Jejak setiap tapak dari keduanya beriringan tanpa jarak. Disitulah seisi universal mulai membaca hati yang diinginkan kekal. Bahkan angin menganggukkan dalam gerakan. Matahari menjawab melalui sinarnya. Bulan mengiyakan di setiap fasenya. Bahwa yang dimiliki keduanya adalah setulus-tulusnya rasa.

Setiap sudut, mengarahkan pada kenangan yang mengerucut. Setiap musik, menggema tanpa terusik. Setiap benda yang tersentuh, menjejakkan gejolak tiap nadi pada tubuh. Ada aroma yang menuntun pada de javu.

Siapa yang terlalu asik atau siapa yang sesungguhnya munafik? Ternyata mengikuti hati dinilai terlalu naif. Sujud pun tak cukup, kepada zat yang tak berwujud. Bagaimana bisa, hadir dalam sekejap, dipaksa meninggalkan janji yang telah terucap.

Namun sadari, bukankah Tuhan adil? Mempertemukan di detik-detik terakhir. Sebelum segalanya berakhir. Bukankah Tuhan sungguh adil? Membiarkan raga dimiliki tanpa jiwa, dan jiwa dibawa tanpa raga. Karna kesempurnaan yang nyata hanya fiktif belaka.

Bukankah Tuhan adalah seadil-adilnya Yang Maha Segalanya? Dia tidak membiarkan di antaranya melupakan, hanya untuk meninggalkan, dengan hitungan sementara.

Semakin erat melekat, semakin rasa itu pekat. Sakit. Lirih. Perihnya bahkan sudah kebas. Lukanya tertinggal dengan bekas.

Sepasang hati yang terpisah,
selamat menjalani hidup yang tak lagi mudah.
Salam rindu dan kasih yang masih selalu sama pada setiap untaian doa.
Terima kasih, kamu.
Sampai kita bertemu.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Take Me To Somewhere Nice

I wrote many times, but I didn't post anything. It just ended with done-cancel-discard.

I want to post a lot. But I can't. I want to write this, and that. I want to say anything. But, yes I can't.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Am I Mad?

Why I always say that I miss you the most?
Because, I am.

Now, when I write this, I put my ass on your favorite spot to sleep.
And, listening to Arctic Monkeys' songs on repeat and shuffle.
I'm mad. Yes, I'm mad, but I won't show anything to you.
I'm mad why this happened to me.
I'm mad why dentist should force me to use fvcking retainer on my teeth. *It hurts, you know?*
I'm mad why I can't tell daddy anything, even finally I have some conversations on the phone.
I'm mad why I can't stay a night next to you tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and forever. *geez! I imagined you were here*
I'm mad why I did mistakes like an idiot when we were together.
I'm mad why I was born to love you but I can't have you.

Sorry, I curse often.

This is insane.

I love you, buddy! Still, as much as you always feel all the time.
And, sure I miss you the most.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Fairy Godmother!


After months ago, the last time I went to movie all alone, finally on Tuesday last week, I watched ‘MALEFICENT’ by my self, again. And I was getting so fun, hmm little. So, who doesn’t like fairytale, kids? Or who doesn’t like Disney, peeps? I love fairytale, and I really like Disney. *And sometimes I blame on Disney to give me, damn high imaginations of life.*

This movie tells about villain side of Princess Aurora story, Maleficent. She’s the witch who curses Aurora to be sleeping beauty in her 16th birthday, and only a true love kiss can awaken her. Actually, Maleficent  used to be a sweet, cute, cheerful, and beautiful fairy. Well, despite I’m not Princess Aurora’s stand, I enjoyed the movie. Especially, because there is Sam Riley who roles as Diaval *sorry, I won't write anything about Diaval here*. I knew Sam first time when he played for "Control" movie. And here, in Maleficent, he looks greater than before. He's handsome.

Once upon a time, there were two contiguous territories. The Moors, an enchanted forest kingdom, and King Henry’s Kingdom. The Moors consisted of fairytale creatures, included Maleficent. A beautiful young girl, who had wings and horns in her head. Otherwise, King Henry’s Kingdom consisted of humans. One day, Maleficent met human named Stefan after he was caught by the guards stole a diamond. Since that time, they often met up. Until they were growing up into 16th year old. Their friendship became love relationship. And, Stefan gave Maleficent a true love kiss. But, it was not.

Time went so fast, and Stefan betrayed Maleficent with his ambitious to be a King after King Henry announced a competition. Who could kill and bring Maleficent’s head, he would marry his daughter.  And finally Stefan could bring Maleficent’s wings. Then, he married King Henry’s daughter and replaced King Henry. It caused Maleficent to be cruel. She was brokenhearted. She felt betrayed by her lover. She became ruthless and ambitious. She wanted to destroy Stefan’s Kingdom.

Until, the day Princess Aurora arrived, Maleficent came uninvited to kingdom. Gave a gift and cursed on Aurora’s 16th birthday, that she would die after pricking her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, and she could be awaken only by a true love kiss. It is something Maleficent believed didn’t exist. Stefan losing control, and asked courtiers to burn and lock away all the spinning wheels in entire kingdom. Then he sent Aurora to live with three pixies, hidden in the woods, until a day after her 16th birthday.

Maleficent didn’t ignore Aurora actually. She watched Aurora from afar, since Aurora infant. Day by day, secretly, Maleficent also cared for her from afar. Until, Maleficent realized that she should take back her curse to Aurora. But, no one could take the curse. And in the day Aurora being 16th year old, the curse happened. Maleficent brought Prince Phillip, a boy who falling in love each other with Aurora, to have him kiss Aurora. But, it failed. Maleficent regretted. She apologized to Aurora and swore that nothing could hurt her anymore as long as she around Maleficent. Then, she kissed Aurora’s forehead. Voila! Aurora woke up, and called Maleficent “Fairy Godmother!” For seconds, Maleficent shocked and called her back “Beastie!”

It shows us, that true love does exist. Maybe not from a lover, maybe from friends, siblings, families, teachers, partners or blablablabla. But true love could be from the one and only you love. True love is something you feel and sometimes it can’t be owned. True love is a complicated thing. But I believe, true love really exists.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Days of Future Past

X-Men: Days of Future Past

I should have watched X-Men before I watched Edge of Tomorrow. Because, this movie (ALSO!) tells about how they back to the past and change the history. Call me ‘out of date’ or whatever, cause I just watched X-men: The Days of Future Past, last night. *I mean last Thursday, I’ve written this, but yet posted.*

Well, talking about superhero movie is not fair if we compare between the movies and the comics. Or maybe the movies and the novels. Some people expect too much for movies. They want to watch the real visual version from comics. So do I. But, I’m the big fans of X-Men. So, I admit that I couldn’t hardly wait to watch this one. Even, at least, I watched too late.

Bryan Singer, the director, has worked so hard to impress us, fans, again. After Brett Ratner destroyed X-Men stories before, X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. While, in future, they are attacked by Sentinel. Sentinel is a thing which is made by Government to kill mutants. *I think, that Sentinel looks alike Iron Man. hahaha* So that, Wolverine is sent to the past by Professor Xavier and Erik to change a part of history.

Mystique caused the Government made Sentinel Project. Actually, Sentinel was Bolivar Trask’s, he obsessed to kill mutant. He affected the Government to built this project. Mystique felt like she should kill Trask. But she killed Trask, it didn’t make Sentinel Project cancelled, instead the Government started to develop Sentinel. Wolverine should avoid Mystique kill Trasks.

Yet by the movie run, with more drama and less fight, it still impressed me. I found some interesting things on it. As when Quicksilver, Peter Magnus, brings Magneto from Pentagon. This scene was sooo funny. And when Wolverine passes through a metal detector. Then, when in future, after Wolverine back from past, I watched that Bobby, Iceman, is still being together with Rogue. And Kitty with nobody, I don’t know exactly, but she teaches class.

So, what’s next for X-Men? We have to wait until 2016, for ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ and ‘Wolverine 3’ in 2017.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I Love You Is Not Enough

The saddest part of my life is missing you this much, till I feel, just pain.
And the worst thing happened is I lost you somehow.

Every corner I live now used to be ours, and I can't live a life like this. Our memories haunts me everywhere. From the park until the couch, from up to toe. Our love was so perfect.
I felt how you crazy on me, and I admitted I love you.

I said it million times a day. Remember how you smiled after stared for seconds, and my heart was pounding. I just could't hold my self to not hug you tight. It was an irreplaceable. 

Oh, I love you is not enough. If there were a word could describe, I'd tell you. I love you more than you've ever imagined. This love is infinity and beyond. A gigantic feeling, so I can't disguise. It's written clearly and vivid in my forehead. So, people can read it, without I say so.

People seldom see my teary eye, and ask me nothing. Cause they know how hurt this journey for me, for us. All they say just, be strong. And I wish we can.

Sunday, June 08, 2014

An Ordinary Sunday

What will you do?
When, you're exhausted with everything.
When, you're much chagrined by the fate you can't change.
When, you're sniveled of your life.

What do you think?
When, you have nowhere to flee.
When, you have nothing to do.
When, you have nobody can help you.

Oh life, why you so this hard?

Thursday, June 05, 2014



Actually, I'm not a big fans of a huge charcoal dark grey dinosaur-look-alike, Godzilla. Maybe, I used to be a big fans of it, when I was child. But, cause I like watching movie, any kind of movies, so I also watched Godzilla.

Godzilla was released for the the first time in 1954 by Japan. Then it was remade by Rolland Emmerich in 1998, but it didn’t get good responds. And now, this movie was constructed by Gareth Edward.

Ford Brody, the son of the scientist couple from Janjira, is back home from his military duty. He meets his wife and little son. But suddenly he’s called by Japan Government, that tells him if his dad, Joe, is arrested. So, Ford decides to leaving for Japan tonight. The reason why his dad is arrested is because Joe crossed the forbidden zone. He’s wondering about something has already happened in about 15 years ago, when he and his wife worked in the same company, Janjira. His wife died there. Joe believes it happened not because human error, but caused by aliens named MUTO which is looking for radiation in order to breed.

Godzilla doesn’t make an existence until one hour. Until there’s something comes out from an eggshell that was found near an abandoned nuclear plant. That looks like an insect  and pterodactyl or microcaptor or whatever. But, that’s not Godzilla. That is a Muto. Actually there are two Mutos, the big one and the small one. And the big one which is found in Nevada is female, and it’s going to spawn. *can you imagine?* Then, the huge charcoal dark grey comes ashore, preceded by tsunami that puts people in hazard. It fights with the big female Muto.

Their fight doesn’t appear strong and clearly enough. But thumbs up for Gareth Edwards. He tried so hard to build the story. Even this movie has much conversations and details before going into nitty gritty. So, its writer put human drama on it to strengthen the story. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have well background and every character appears without any obvious reason. So that looks like useless, even in the beginning, Godzilla has an interesting story.


Anyway, talking about Godzilla a.k.a Gojira *I prefer to call it Gojira hahaa*, I have my own Tokyo Vinyl Godzilla. *just saying* Don’t you curious how could I have that one though I’m not a big fans of it? Confidential. :b *here it is!*

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Tom Cruise's Sci-Fi (AGAIN??)


Before Edge Of Tomorrow, he played for Oblivion. These were sci-fi movies actually. Thanks God, I like sci-fi movies, and big thanks, I like Tom Cruise. So, I tell you, Edge Of Tomorrow is a good movie, yeah not bad I think. Even, it is helped by Cruise on it. This movie is based on the Japanese light novel All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka. And you know what? This movie reminds me to Looper. Because, first, there’s Emily Blunt on both of movies. Second, the hero should repeat his life to complies the mission. On this movie, Tom Cruise as Major Cage Lives-Dies-Repeats. Everyday.

It starts from he wakes up in the middle of America Soldiers who ready to fight tomorrow. Major Cage should join with J Squad and prepare his self with an armor. But, he never wore this before, and when he goes down to the beach with the squad in tomorrow morning, he dies 5 minutes after the war began. Then………..he wakes up. Until he realizes, his life is about live-die-repeat.

Major Cage meets Sergeant Rita. She is the commandant of these soldiers. Major Cage tells her about what happens with his life. Rita used to have it, and she says that Cage isn’t allowed to tell anybody about it.  He repeats his daily life, every time he wakes up, he learns how to fight, how to complies the mission, to wear the armor, and to look for The Omega. What is the omega? It is the enemies’ brain. If he could kill the omega, all the enemies would die. Oh, I didn’t tell you, the enemy which soldiers fight for is kinda looks like an alien.

And, in the end. Cage wins. He can find and kill The Omega. But he dies. He dies for sure? Nope. He lives again, he wakes up again. But in different part from the last time he woke up. He’s looking for Rita. Makes sure that he can meet her again, even Rita doesn’t recognize him.

I’m wondering, how if I lived like him. I woke up at many times, in the same part. What would I change from my past? I’m not sure. Maybe I’d try this and that, be this and be that. Not because I’m not grateful for what have done and gotten. I’m just wondering. What would happen if I could change the-shit-happened? I'm pretty sure, I'd be happy, moooooooooooooooooooooore happy than now, yes right now!

This movie is recommended to watch. Just for fun from your activities. Why not, aight? ;)

Tuesday, June 03, 2014


I woke up in the middle of nights, lately.
Looking for something that I couldn't find it easily like before, even that thing was beside me, under the pillow. And after I found it, I could do nothing. Just nothing.
Looked at the screen and (shit!) what would I do?
I got nightmares.

Oh, why this hapenned to me?
God's secret.

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Dear You

To the strongest man I've ever loved,

While this love is growing more bigger day by day, we should face the truth.
Letting go doesn't make you a loser.
Letting go is learning to be sincere.
I'm not leaving you behind, I bring your whole heart.
And I left mine to you.
It's not that easy, and I know that. I feel you.

Dear love,
I thank God in every breath I take, to have you as my lover for this little time.
We dream for many times, but we're not allowed by Him (yet) to make it real.
Maybe, not this time.
Maybe, someday. On the right time.
We will meet again.
I love you, and I don't regret.

Dear my morning face,
Don't be sad. You promise me.
So do I.
If I walk away from you, remember, it's 'physically'.
You promise me to be happy. Show me.
Do not cry. We've lost many tears. It's enough. And noted for my self.

Dear my Mr. Bellydance,
Thank you thank you and thank you.
To love me as a queen, to care me as an Eve, to have me as yours, to protect me as a lady, to accompany me in every moment we share, and to give me a special story.
You are the truly man I love.
I will miss you, how you smile, you laugh, you sad, you cry, you angry, you jealous, you sleep, you hungry, you walk, you drive, you whisper, you shout, you curse, you pray, you cook, you smoke, you hug, you kiss, you touch, you cafuné, you drool, you fart, and everything you do. I can't explain more. I will miss you, all about you.

Dear you,
I'm sorry for breaking your heart to pieces. The one and only I regret about loving you is, I can't make our dreams come true. I'm sorry.

Your Padmé