Friday, November 29, 2013

#MyKindOfSky 30 Weeks Ago

(Solo, taken by me 30 weeks ago. Copied from my IG)

"Terima kasih Tuhan, atas mata yg dapat melihat langitMU"

#MyKindOfSky 36 Weeks Ago

(Solo, taken by me 36 weeks ago. Copied from my IG)

"Kita menapaki bumi yang sama dan memandang langit yang sama.
Mengapa menjaga bumi bersama saja kita tidak bisa?" 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

There She Goes

All stories are not always be a journey, but surely will be a memory.

She did, she does and she will do more things.

She walked, she walks and she will walk into somewhere.

She talked, she talks and she will talk about her dreams.

She touched, she touches and she will touch her lover.

She cried, she cries and she will cry because many reasons.

And there she goes…

Place you never find, a place where she really wants.